Night of museums, USSR style: pioneers, agitation posters and bards (photo)

“Ноч музеяў” у стылі СССР: піянеры, агітацыйныя плакаты і барды (фота)

A Soviet-style night of museums was organized in Brest Province museum of local lore on May 17.


 The Great Patriotic War soldiers, pioneers, bards and Soviet dandies organized a trip to the Soviet past for the museum visitors. The present could see an exposition of agitation posters and numerous Soviet artifacts.

Head of the scientific department of the museum Zhanna Ablamskaya has commented on this reconstruction of the Soviet epoch.


Ablamskaya: “History is a controversial thing. There was something good and bad in every century. There are people criticizing and cherishing every epoch. We think that our visitors have some good and interesting memories of the Soviet time.”

This year’s night of museums was dated for the 25th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the organizers said.