Zmitser Vaitshyushkevich's "Vayachak" – album of the year
The fifth musical award ceremony has been held today.
Згодна з меркаваннямі экспертаў, музычны год прынес наступныя вынікі:
Experts' opinion about the results of the musical year:
Debut album — Clover Club;
Pop album — no prize awarded;
Rock album — “Nie isnuje”, Akute;
Folk album — “Kola hrukatala”, Palats;
Best album in Belarusian: "Vayachak" by Zmister Vaisyushkevich;
4 "main" prizes:
People's experts' prize— “Laterna Magica”, Serebryannaya Svadba;
Grand jury prize — “Laterna Magica”, Serebryannaya Svadba;
Foreign experts' prize — “Hmeleva project”, DahaBraha & Port Mone;
Album of the year – "Vayachak" by Zmister Vaisyushkevich.