Karnyayenka to check whether travel ban is lifted

Central District Court had to consider the appeal of coordinator of the civil campaign "For Fair Election" Karnyayenka and deputy head of the Belarusian party of the left "Fair World" Uhnalyou  on July 18. However, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs claimed in court that they had been added to the data base "due to a technical problem" which had already been solved. Uhnalyou and Karnyayenka have received references saying that they have been removed from the list of travel banned. The judge has refused to consider the appeal because it is impossible to subject anyone to responsibility for "a technical problem".

Karnyaenka has informed Euroradio that he disagreed with the court decision and is going to appeal it.

Karnyaenka: "At first, I disagree with the court decision that there is no one to blame for it. The organization creating such obstacles is to blame - even if it is a technical issue. It is a public case that started 3 or 4 months ago. If it were an issue, it had to be solved as soon as possible. And they accuse us of not going to the Ministry of Justice every day to do their job! We disagree with this court decision and  we are going to appeal it".

 Karnyaenka is going to check whether he is really allowed to leave the country one of these days.

 Karnyaenka: "I will probably do it this week - just to try, so that there would be no unexpected problems before important events. I will try it either this week or at the beginning of the next week".

Victar Karnyayenka was not allowed to leave for Vilnius on March 11 but no stamp was added to his passport. He was not allowed to leave for Vienna to take part in an OSCE meeting and a travel ban stamp was added to his passport on July 12. The fact that officially invited Karnyayenka was not allowed to attend the OSCE conference caused a scandal.

Uhnalyou was not allowed to leave for Lithuania on March 21.