Navumava Prize awarded to Kalinkina, Kastyuhova and Palazhanka

Let us remind you that the winners were chosen in three nominations – “Journalism”, “Analytics” and “Hope” (prize for young politicians). All the winners are women.

Svyatlana Kalinkina is the best journalist, Valeryya Kastyuhova – analyst. Young Front member Nasta Palazhanka has won in the nomination “Hope”.

Co-head of the jury Uladzimir Dunayeu has assured Euroradio that “the women’s pedestal”  is a coincidence and is not connected with the coming holiday of March 8:

Dunayeu: "As far as I know, the nominees’ qualities were taken into account, not their gender”.

By the way, there were only three women in the jury out of two dozen jury members.

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