Pop-star Madonna wears Lukashenka make-up (video)
He has become one of the characters in her video to the song "Nobody Knows Me".
A video-сut showing Lukashenka, Hitler and Marine Le Pen with a swastika sign on her forehead was demonstrated behind Madonna's back during the first concert of her world tour, in Tel-Aviv.
According to the information provided by the Russian service of the Radio Liberty, leader of the French People's Front Marine Le Pen have already threatened Madonna that there will be consequences. However, the politician has not specified whether she will sue Madonna.
The American singer is to give more than 80 concerts in the framework of this world tour, in particular, in France - on July 14 at the Stade de France stadium near Paris and on August 21 in Nice.
Let us remind you, Lukashenka was once shown in Madonna's video "Get Stupid" back in 2009.