Tickets to Radio Day Fest - already on sale!
First 100 tickets are offered at Br90.000 per ticket
The Radio Day festival will take place on May 6 in Minsk club Re:Public (Prytytski Street, 62). The bands Krama and Neuro Dubel make a comeback to the big stage, accompanied by: B:N: and Pomidor/OFF, as well as the band selected by Euroradio listeners.
The concert starts at 6 p.m. The price for the first 100 tickets is Br 90
thousand. The buyers will get presents - CDs with Belarusian music. Other
tickets will be sold for Br 110 thousand, Br 130 thousand - on the day of the
concert, Br 150 thousand for those who want to reserve a table.
The tickets are available in the Re:Public, "Kupalauski" shopping
center (pavilion 19), and distributors.