Statkevich's lawyer and friends have no information about his condititon since December 29

The lawyer Tatsiana Stankevich saw her client for the last time on December 29, the politician's allies also have no information about him. 

According to the ex-presidential candidate's representative at the election Siarhej Skrabets, the politician's civil wife Maryna Adamovich has also been refused to meet with the prisoner. 

The politican's friends are most worried about his health. Mikalaj Statkevich announced hunger strike right after his arrest, demanding not to recognise the election results. The strike has lasted for the 17th day by now. “Mikalaj knew he would get to prison and told me we would go on hunger strike. As I know him I can tell you for sure he did not stopped it”, – says Siarhej Skrabets, informs