Ukraine offers Belarus pipeline to transport oil from Venezuela
Ukraine is ready to offer Belarus the Odessa-Brody oil piepline in order to transport crude from the port of Odessa to refineries in Belarus, Ukraine's ambassador in Minsk Igor Likhovoy told reporters on March 24 in Minsk. Ліхавы: "Я магу сказаць, што сапраўды напэўна самы танны шлях- гэта праект "Адэса-Броды". Сарматыя, кансорцыум так званы. Ён не патрабуе нейкіх тэхнічных зменаў і грашовых уліванняў у гэты праект. Трэба толькі атрымаць гарантыю паступлення нафты".
The ambassador stressed it could be a cheap project for Belarus on condition that the oil flow through Odessa will not be disrupted. Ukraine is also offering tariff preferences for transporting oil by railway.
The ambassador stressed it could be a cheap project for Belarus on condition that the oil flow through Odessa will not be disrupted. Ukraine is also offering tariff preferences for transporting oil by railway.