Belarus neighbors object to nuclear power plant project
This statement was made on July 15 by Tatsiana Novikava, the responsible secretary of the Public Environmental Expertise of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. This was in respond to the conclusions of the state expetrtise voiced by Alexander Andreeyev, head of state environmental expertise at the Ministry of Nature.
Representatives of the Public Environmental Expertise took part in almost every hearing that took place in the neighboring countries. The maintain there were objections from Lithuania, Austria and Ukraine. There is also an official reaction of Lithuania which objects to the plans to construct a nuclear power reactor in Astravets, near the border with Lithuania.
Representatives of the Public Environmental Expertise took part in almost every hearing that took place in the neighboring countries. The maintain there were objections from Lithuania, Austria and Ukraine. There is also an official reaction of Lithuania which objects to the plans to construct a nuclear power reactor in Astravets, near the border with Lithuania.