Belarusian ‘terrorist’ Silivonchyk worked at Russian war plant

23-year-old Belarusian Kiryl Silivonchyk worked on war plant #170. The plant is subjected to the company Aircraft Repair. Its broad of directors consists mainly of projectionist from the Ministry of Defence, Euroradio found out. Furthermore, the plant works for the army.

His colleagues paid attention to Silivonchyk’s views in the total anti-Ukraine propaganda conditions. The Belarusian’s page in social networks was open for visitors.

Belarusian Kiryl Silivonchyk was jailed for 2 years by Moscow Circuit Court at the beginning of April. He was returned guilty of ‘terrorism’. Russian investigators accused him of it on the basis of the mottoes ‘Kill Moskals! Let’s make Russian hirelings’ life hellish – let’s blow up their houses and kill their families!’, Euroradio revealed in court.

Photo:, Kiryl Silivonchyk’s archive
