BSU wants to reduce tuition cost for Russians

BSU is to introduce discounts for students from Russia, who are paying their tuition as international students. Currently, the average cost for foreign students is 3.3 thousand dollars. According to the rector of BSU, Syarhei Ablameyka, it is more expensive than in Russian universities, where the price of the dollar has declined as a result of the devaluation.

Ablameyka: "We are dealing with cases when the Russians pull out of their studies and get transferred to their universities because of our prices. Their paid education is cheaper now. It is necessary to reduce the cost of tuition for them for maybe 20%."

Last year, Russians had a 10% discount compared to the cost of tuition fees for other foreigners. In Belarus, Russian applicants have the same entry conditions as Belarusians. But they need to sit the centralized testing exam in Belarus. For Belarusians, the cost of paid education is a little more than $1,000. In total, BSU has about 300 students from Russia.