"I NEED" festival in Minsk

So, what kind of a festival was this I NEED festival, which finished only at 5 a.m. today?

We give the first word to the organizer Pasha so that he would explain everything: “In the first place, we wanted to arrange a party, the first party of the kind, so that all the people would come to it and we would show all the outstanding bands that we had”, – Pasha has told to Euroradio (besides, it was his first interview ever!).

The following bands got into the category "outstanding": The Toobes, "Loop of Addiction", The Fantastiques, The Blackmail, a dozen of young bands and even a guest from Kyiv with a female vocalist who had a notable voice - The Space Cakes.

Organizer Pasha: “I think these are the best bands that we have in our mainstream. Whom else could I invite? Naturally, I wanted "Lyapis Trubetskoy" to come, I had invited them and reserved a table for them, but it turned out they had a gig in Smalensk on that day. However, I was pleased that Mikhalok even thought about cancelling the gig in order to come and support us”.

As for security - it's a special story, even the organizer himself suffered! A security guard punched him in the ear, when he tried to defend his friend who was being beaten by 4 securities in the toilet for an attempt to bring his girlfriend to the show through the window!

Organizer Pasha: “I thought this was happening somewhere outside, jumped out of the window, then got back to the club, a guard saw me, I said "There is a person being beaten somewhere here, tell me where, I am the organizer of this festival", and he punched me in the face for this”

This is how the experienced guys "taught" the young organizer so that he would think twice before writing slogans like "No politics, no violence, no dislike. Only peace, music and love!"

Photo: Tsimafej Skibenka