Independent observers hardly see anything at polling stations

Незалежных назіральнікаў за выбарамі размяшчаюць так, каб яны нічога не бачылі

Indent observers are registering new violations during the early vote. The election committee registered 57 voters or more than 4% on the first day of the early vote at Smarhon polling station #12 while observers only noticed 19 voters.

“Observers cannot do their job there. Their seats are so far that they cannot see the process of distribution of ballot papers and cannot see the ballot boxes. They can only see the polling booths,” the press service of the campaign Rights Defenders for Free Election reports.

An observer asked for the report about the turnout at polling station #42 in Autazavodskaya constituency #92 and was pushed out of the polling station by the election committee members, reports.