Belarus election: Observers report mass compulsion during early vote

Назіральнікі заявілі пра масавы прымус да датэрміновага галасавання на выбарах

Observers from the campaign For Fair Elections registered facts of compulsion on the first day of the early vote in Belarus, the press service of the campaign told BelaPAN.


BNTU students were voting on a mass scale on September 6, observers noted. Polling station #549 of Kolasauskaya constituency is situated in a building belonging to the university. Students ‘had been asked’ to vote early.


785 of 1028 people voted at that polling station on the first day. Observers said. It is 76%. “Even the election committee members were not prepared for it and decreased the number of voters to 636 in their final report,” the campaign representatives informed.

A policeman brought a group of 75 prisoners (from a colony settlement) to vote at polling station #688 in Partyzanskaya constituency #110.