Officials allowed to work on cultural programs with Poland


The program was signed in the "Radziwill Hall" of the National Art Museum by Poland's Ambassador Leszek Szerepka and Deputy Minister of Culture of Belarus Tadeusz Struzhetski. However, it's the officials who need the program in the first place, the Polish diplomat explains half-jokingly. 

Leszek Szerepka: "When such programs are signed, when the top officials of the country agree that we need to do that, then the lower level state officials understand that they can and should do it. This cooperation program is very important from this point of view. It can give a certain push - no one will be scared that they cannot do that, no one will tend to slowing it down".

The term of the program, aimed at development of art and culture of the two countries, is only two years. However, it includes development of cinema, theatrical art, restoration of monuments of history and culture, museums and exhibitions, installation of monuments to the prominent figures of art and culture, organization of teachers and students exchange in culture universities etc.

Nevertheless, the diplomat is convinced that there are many opportunitites to develop and expand cultural cooperation. Even political misunderstandings  cannot spoil that.

Фота: Змітра Лукашука