Organizational meeting of Christian democrats takes place in Minsk

An organizational meeting of the “Belarusian Christian democracy” party (BCD) is taking place in Minsk Tractor Plant’s Palace of Culture today, on February 28.
One of the members of the steering committee for creation of the BCD Pavel Sevyarynets has informed that the list of founders includes 1 thousand 60 people. 211 delegates have arrived at the meeting – one person per five founders.

Leaders of political parties and famous Belarusian politicians are guests at the meeting – Alyaksandr Kazulin, Lyavon Barshcheuski, Zmitser Dashkevich, Alyaksandr Makayeu and Ihar Lednik.

A group of delegates is going to lay flowers near Saint Maria Roman-Catholic Church where the Belarusian Christian-Democratic Union was founded in 1917. “This is a fact of continuity”, - stressed P.Sevyarynets.

At the same time, P.Sevyarynets noted that the founders of “Belarusian Christian Democracy” (BCD) will continue their activities regardless of weather the party could be registered or not. The main activity is the campaign for propaganda of family values “Strong family – Strong Belarus”. “We are also planning to continue the campaign for modernization of the Belarusian culture “I love Belarus”, the campaign of repentance for the sins of the communist regime and the campaign for the freedom of conscience. Furthermore, we will continue fighting sorcery and occultism.