Parcel rejected for Pavel Seviarynets in Brest custody
People detained on August 19 in Brest during the launch of a new book by Pavel Seviarynets are unlikely to appear in court this week, says local human rights activist Uladzimir Vialichkin. He says the authorities achieved their main objective when Pavel Seviarynets, a youth opposition leader, was sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest.
The court accepted that the presentation staged at the offices of the local branch of the Belarusian Popular Front "was an illegal mass event". Several more dozen people are yet to face administrative prosecution.
Vialichkin says Seviarynets is being held in the Moscowski district police station's custody, but the authorities have refused to accept a parcel with foodstuffs for him. They demand that his stay behind bars be paid for, reports the Viasna (Spring) human rights center.
The court accepted that the presentation staged at the offices of the local branch of the Belarusian Popular Front "was an illegal mass event". Several more dozen people are yet to face administrative prosecution.
Vialichkin says Seviarynets is being held in the Moscowski district police station's custody, but the authorities have refused to accept a parcel with foodstuffs for him. They demand that his stay behind bars be paid for, reports the Viasna (Spring) human rights center.