Popular Front to hold traditional rally on Remembrance Day in Kurapaty

The Party of the Belarusian Popular Front has planned a traditional rally on Dzyady, a remembrance day in Belarus.
"On November 2 at 1200 we plan to gather near the Moscow Cemetry and law flowers to Karatkevich, Bykoav, Mulyavin, Masherov and other prominent figures in the Belarusian culture. Afterwards, we will walk to Kurapaty (the site of mass executions of Belarusians during the Stalin rule", Popular Front deputy chairman Viktar Ivashkevich told the European Radio for Belarus. 

He is convinced that the authorities will not hamper this action. He also reminded that Dzyady, being a public action, will be held for the 20th time. Minsker took to the sreets for the first time in 1988.