Brest reimposes 5-day restriction on trips to Poland

Dzmitry: “It has started again. They used to let us go abroad and now they do not allow it even if your petrol tank is empty. Those who used to go abroad every other day also have problems. It does not matter if you have five litres or nothing at all – they have imposed some norm (nobody knows if it is registered) that allows drivers to go aboard only once in five days. They can travel as much as they like if they are passengers”.

You cannot cross the Western border without a notarized letter of attorney for your car. At the same time, Poland accepts handwritten documents, even when they are not finished, and you do not need such a document on the territory of the country.

Dzmitry says that it is impossible to go to Poland with a registered full petrol tank today, return home and leave for Poland again tomorrow. Frontier guards say that they cannot trace such trips.