Brussels does not plan to recall ambassadors from Minsk
The draft resolution on Belarus, which the EU Committee on Politics and Security is to adopt today in Brussels, appeared in the media.
According to the information provided by Radio Liberty, the Committee plans to support Catherine Ashton's statement of August 3, in which she expressed her serious concern about the Belarus-Sweden diplomatic conflict. The Committee plans to call the Belarusian ambassadors to the Foreign Ministries of the EU member states and to the EU External Action Service in order to convey the EU's position in this regard to them.
Committee also underlines EU's adherence to modernization of Belarus and
dissemination of European values.
It is also stated that the EU intends to reconsider its restricting measures
with regard to the official Minsk till October 31, 2012. Recent events
connected with Sweden's Ambassador will be taken into account at evaluation of
relations between the EU and Belarus.
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