"Femen" movement: Don't make a Euro brothel out of Ukraine!

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This was the start of the press-conference held by activists of the scandalous Ukrainian movement "Femen" Alexandra and Inna Shevchenko in Warsaw. Europe's leading media informed about half-naked girls-protesters many times. The Warsaw press-conference of "Femen" was dedicated to the European football championship, which is to take place in Ukraine and Poland in 2012.

Alexandra Shevchenko: “We decided to start our press-conference like this in order to illustrate what will be happening during the holiday of pseudo-football in Poland and Ukraine, what a catastrophe it will be. The women's movement "Femen" turns out to be practically the only one in Ukraine who sees not just the positive sides of this "football holiday". We have our own position in this regard”.

According to "Femen" activists, holding of Euro-2012 in Ukraine and Poland will in no way help to solve the problems which exist in these countries now, but, vice versa, will lead to catastrophe.

Inna Shevchenko: “UEFA does not care about football, about the beauty of this game. They only care about the money they can earn on it. It is clearly seen when we loook at the image of a football fan, actively formed by the European football association. They interfere into the Polish laws and want to allow drinking beer at stadiums. On the one hand, we are talking about football, on the other hand - we see alcoholic beverages and cheap Ukrainian girls for foreign fans”.

"Femen" activists underlined that many prostitutes would arrive to Ukraine from the neighbouring countries during the Euro-2012. Apart from this, this may lead to a serious threat of upheaval of such diseases as AIDS and tuberculosis in Europe. 

Alexandra Shevchenko: “Ukraine is the first in Europe already with regard to AIDS and tuberculosis. We are afraid that fans from Europe will import these diseases to their countries. We are against turning Ukraine into a Euro-brothel during Euro-2012”.

The activists also recalled that Ukraine and Poland are very corrupted states, during the press-conference.

Alexandra Shevchenko: “The money earned at Euro-2012 will go to the pockets of some people, not to the state budgets. We address to the UEFA and state that if the situation does not change, "Femen" will prepare a lot of surprises for them”.

After the press-conference, "Femen" activists went out to Warsaw streets, where they handed out leaflets and took pictures.