More than 1 200 people queue in a currency exchange office (photo fact)

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On August 24 the National Bank advised the banks to stop selling currency in the exchange offices, located in big shopping centers. Thus, "Belarusbank" is already considering the National Bank's recommendation but hasn't stopped selling currency yet.

“Our bank has taken this recommendation into consideration. No constructive decisions have been taken in this regard so far. If someone hands in currency, we sell it”.

Queues has not disappeared anywhere in the currency exchange office of "Belarusbank" located in "Karona" shopping center, although people hand in no more than 1000 USD daily. No changes have occurred in the currency exchange office of "Sombelbank", located nearby.

Representatives of "Belagroprombank" have told Euroradio's correspondent that they haven't received the National Bank's recommendation yet.

“At present, our bank provides currency for important social needs. We also sell currency if someone hands it in during the day. There is no prohibition for selling currency yet.

Nothing has changed in the currency exchange office of "Belprambudbank", located in the shopping center "Riga", so far.

“Nothing's changed - we still sell currency as before. And people stand in queues as they used to”.

"Absolutbank" in the shopping center "Rakauski market" also sells currency. Naturally, if someone brings it.

Euroradio's correspondent tried to buy currency in the exchange office of "Belarusbank" at the railway station. Someone from the queue advised not to waste time - there were more than 1200 people in the queue at that moment. It may last for half a year! One person cannot buy more than 1000 USD, and the process of purchasing may take 1-3 days.

I write my name in the queue-record copybook. My number is 1216! Impressed, I take out my camera and try to take a picture. Several huge men run up to me at this very second. One of them promises to drown me in women's toilet if I don't delete the pictures, another one threatens to call the police.

These are hard times: people who were lucky to buy currency do not want to make it public, maybe they are afraid.

At the same time, Alyaksandr Lukashenka promised on August 25 that the currency situation will be stabilized within 1,5-2 months. It is interesting that the President had already promised to solve the situation in 1-2 months back in May. However, queues in currency exchange offices not only failed to decrease, they grew. People expect dollars and euros to appear in banks in the end of it all. Maybe, the President will keep his promise this time.