One in ten Minskers earns $1000 per month
Meanwhile, more than 60% Belarusian live on salary which is less than average, all over the country.
This data has been provides by the statistics for August 2012. In the last Summer month, the average salary was just over 4 million roubles (490 dollars). Almost 1.5% of the employees, which is 42,000 people, had income less than 1 million roubles (about $ 120), throughout the country. Most of these people live in Brest region.
Residents of the capital have better financial conditions – the smallest amount of the poor and the biggest amount of the rich live here. One in ten Minskers earns $ 1 000 and more per month. However, every other metropolitan worker falls short of the average wage in the country, the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus informs.
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