Alyaksandr Artsybashau detained for 10 days

On Tuesday, the youth wing of the 'Tell the Truth" campaign held a picket near the department store "Frunzenski" in the district where the opposition parties and organizations stand for boycott. The activists handed out borsch hinting on the famous statement of the CEC Chairperson Lidziya Yarmoshyna.

Suddenly a minibus arrived and people in plain clothes ran out of it. They detained Pavel Vinahradau, Alyaksandr Artsybashau, Yahor Viniatski and Hanna Kurlovich. The detained journalists were released two hours later. Associated Press photo-correspondent Syarhei Hryts was beaten.

The activists were not released on September 18. They spent the night in the detention center.

All activists were accused of participation in a non-sanctioned event. Hanna Kurlovich was fined for Br 2 million (20 base fees), Усіх актывістаў абвінавацілі ва ўдзеле ў несанкцыянаваным мерапрыемстве. Ганну Курловіч пакаралі штрафам у памеры 20 базавых велічынь — 2 млн рублёў, інфарHR defenders inform. Alyaksandr Artsybashau got 10 days of detention.

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Галоўны “брыдкаслоў” краіны Павел Вінаградаў: 6 затрыманняў з пачатку года