Political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich to stand trial today

Let us remind you, the "Young Front" members Zmitser Dashkevich and Edward Lobau were arrested on December 18, 2010, the day before the presidential election. They were accused of beating two passers-by. Dashkevich was sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment in a minimum security colony.

A new criminal case was started against him in the colony of Hlybokaye, for malicious disobedience to the colony's administration. Dashkevich may face up to one more year of imprisonment for this. At present, the "Young Front" leader has less than 5 months of detention left.

About 40 witnesses are involved into Dashkevich's case - policemen and prisoners. However, it is unknown whether any of those will witness for him. He refused from the lawyer of defense as he considers the whole trial to be illegal and artificially made-up. 

Photo — bymedia.net