Sociologists conduct survey among viewers of “Godfather”

As ERB has found out, a sociological company Baltic Surveys had conducted a survey “Two films – two kinds of Belarus”. The reason for the survey was the two films “Godfather” shown by the NTV channel. People were asked three questions: “Do they know the films were shown?, “How did they get to know about the films?” and “How much do they believe the shown facts?”. It turned out that 40% of the 500 pollees watched the films. The majority of them saw them on TV instead of the Internet. A bit more than half of them think that the NTV showed slander.

ERB has asked a famous sociologist Andrei Vardamatski to comment of the results of the survey.

Vardamatski: “The interesting thing is that the majority of them saw the film on TV rather than on the Internet. It used to be an exclusive Internet event. Speaking about the radicalism of opinions: there were people who claimed it was “absolute truth” and “sheer slander”. Most people chose the position “sheer slander”. It turns out that negative radicalism is stronger than positive radicalism”.

In the sociologist’s opinion, the survey allows to come to the conclusion that Belarusian viewers got to know nothing new from the films shown by the NTV. It means that the films were made especially for Russian viewers.

Vardamatski: “You cannot change Belarusian viewers’ world outlook. Those who were “contra” saw nothing new in the films. It is only a political signal. Lukashenka’s adherents perceive the film as slander. The way information is perceived does not change people’s world outlook, it can confirm it or it cannot confirm it. Positive or negative estimations are made accordingly”.

Speaking about the way the films shown by the NTV can affect the rating of the state leader, Vardamatski expressed an opinion that the civil opinion was a very inert thing to change dramatically. However, the films could put some people in doubt.

Photo by: ByMedia