Vasіlevіch: Passing pedestrians were sometimes punished for December 19

Ryhor Vasilevich, the Attorney General, has admitted that innocent people were sometimes punished by the court for participation in the unauthorized action on December 19.
Ryhor Vasilevich: “We have revealed a few cases when people who did not take part in the action were punished. The courts announced the administrative sentences to be illegal, and some of them did it of their own free will. There are not many cases of the kind – about 5 or 7. I received one complaint about it and we understood that the person mentioned there had not taken part in the event and had been subjected to administrative responsibility illegally”.

Vasіlevіch advised that everyone who wanted to complain about court’s decisions and actions of special services that tapped their phones had to send their complaints to the Office of the Public Prosecutor. However, it was not clear whether judges would be subjected to responsibility for illegal sentences.