Sending postcards to political prisoners ended in Dzmitryeu's detention

The activists of the civil campaign "Tell the Truth!" have conducted an action "Support the Prisoners", dedicated to the Freedom Day, in the morning on March 25. According to the ex-head of the presidential candidate Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu's HQ Andrej Dzmitryeu, they hope that the greeting postcards will reach those who are in prison now, and those who are under the house arrest as well.

Andrej Dzmitryeu: “There is nothing in these postcards which could possibly create obstacles to the investigation - there are only words of support in them. I think that there is a chance that the censorship department will accept them. These are just postcards, sayig that we support the prisoners and wish them success, wish them strength - ordinary words of support. But these ordinary words are very important when you are in prison”.

They collected more than a thousand letters and postcards with words of support. A part of them were sent by people from the regional cities directly, another part was sent to Minsk in order they would be passed to the political prisoners' relatives.

Besides, the "Tell the Truth!" activists managed to visit Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu and Iryna Khalip before going to the main post office. Naturally, the KGB agents on duty did not let the activists see them, but they passed flowers and cakes to the ex-candidate and the journalist. A "V" letter is painted with cream on each cake - for Victory.

Having sent the postcards, Andrej Dzmitryeu headed for the KGB's office reception, where Volha Bandarenka and Darya Korsak - the wives of the political prisoners Zmitser Bandarenka and Aliaksandr Atroshchankau - were at the moment. He passed them flowers and postcards. When Andrej Dzmitryeu was walking out, 8 plain-clothed agents "invited" him to sit with them in a minibus. At present, his whereabouts are unknown. 

Photo by: Zmitser Lukashuk