Vasilevich: Fast should be applied to some other aspects of life

Euroradio: Natallya, are many people starting to fast now and it is a relevant issue in our country?

Natallya Vasilevich: According to surveys, the fast is the top priority in religious practices. I think that fasting is the easiest way of getting connected with your belief, the church and God.

Euroradio: The majority think that fasting means food restrictions. What else should be done during the fast?

Natallya Vasilevich: The main idea is simple: the Christmas fast is spiritual preparation for the holiday. Everyone decides what to do – to pray or to read the Bible… I thought that the practice of refusing from food was caused by the economic practice of the past. People started eating cheaper food, saved money and spent it on charity.

Euroradio: It seems that saving is a relevant practice during the crisis in Belarus…

Natallya Vasilevich: It is not relevant only during a crisis. I think that it would be better to refuse to go to cafes and restaurants… You should rather save for something good than only for yourself. This is the century of ecological awareness and you can start using the lift less and start walking more. You can travel by car less and switch to public transport or avoid using jitneys. I think that fasting should be applied to some other aspects of life – it should not only apply to food, it should affect amusements and they way of spending money.

Euroradio: Some people think that everything tasty is forbidden during the fast. It is true?

Natallya Vasilevich: Tastes differ and it is difficult to give advice about it… I just think that you should consider think that everything is  tasty during the fast.

Euroradio:  What dishes are allowed during the fast?

Natallya Vasilevich: There is a whole statute indicating types of food for every day. For example, you should not use oil on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It is individual as some people may be allergic to some food. It is better to refuse from rich food. The fast is a good chance to get rid of addictions: of the Internet addiction, social networks, smoking and drinking too much beer.

Euroradio: There is not enough time to cook in the morning. What is the easiest meagre breakfast? You cannot eat a sandwich with salami, can you?

Natallya Vasilevich: No, you can’t eat salami. I was given a recipe used in Greece once. They squeeze a lemon onto bread then they add some olive oil, salt and oregano. You can also eat a sandwich with jam.

Euroradio: A fasting person is an outcast during the New Year’s Eve. If a person celebrates Christmas on January 7, he is not allowed to celebrate the New Year’s Eve on December 31.

Natallya Vasilevich: Even Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25 – but it is January 7 this century. Some Orthodox Christians ignore the New Year’s Eve and celebrate it on January 14. 

Euroradio: Isn’t it better to stick to December 25 and start eating everything afterwards?

Natallya Vasilevich: You can do it. If an Orthodox Christian is not a church-goer and celebrates with his family he can easily start fasting on November 15 and finish on December 25. Many Orthodox Christians all over the world do so.